We Support of Entire Community


Supporters of the Greenwich Village Orchestra.

The Greenwich Village Orchestra was founded in 1986 by a group of musicians from the New York Metropolitan area. We are a 70-person community orchestra made up of accountants, actors, artists, attorneys, carpenters, editors, physicians, professors, programmers, retirees, riverboat gamblers, scientists, secretaries, students, and teachers. For over thirty years, the Greenwich Village Orchestra has had a single purpose: to bring the best possible performances of great music to our audience. The GVO is committed to making music at the highest possible level and dedicated to enriching the lives of our players and our audience. Our performances are emotionally charged, exhilarating experiences that truly delight our audiences and the performers alike.


Supporters of the Washington Square Park Conservancy.



Supporters of St. Joe's Soup Kitchen

St. Joe’s Soup Kitchen is an independent, all-volunteer organization that serves 300+ meals every Saturday to New York City’s homeless and hungry. We have been in operation for nearly 40 years, relying on volunteers, local businesses, and the generosity of the community to help us continue our mission of providing hot, nutritious meals to those in need



Supporters of: The Conservative Synagogue of Fifth Avenue

The Conservative Synagogue of Fifth Avenue has been serving Greenwich Village and the surrounding neighborhoods for nearly sixty years.

Housed in a small former private residence tucked behind a lovely garden, CSFA is inviting, warm and heimisch. Our traditional services, both lay- and clergy-led, are songful and spirited, and our members care deeply about their extended CSFA family, and always warmly welcome everyone who walks through our doors. After Shabbat morning services, we all enjoy a substantial kiddush meal, l'hayims, and rounding out our shabbat with the joy of companionship. 

Our membership reflects the diversity of the communities we serve: We come from all walks of life and span all levels of religious observance. We are young and old, single and married, gay and straight, liberal and conservative. What unites us is our love for one another, and our commitment to this unique community.

We offer Fri­day evening and Sat­ur­day morn­ing ser­vices every week through­out the year. We also have ser­vices on all Hol­i­days, Fes­ti­vals and sacred occasions

Feel free to join us at any time. Please see our calendar for upcoming events. 



Member of: Friends of Washington Square Association

The Washington Square Association remains the first neighborhood organization and the second civic organization after the Municipal Art Society, in New York City, with over 100 years of service to the neighborhood. The Washington Square Association gained wide recognition and became the inspiration and model for many community-oriented organizations throughout the country.  We put on events such as the Annual Holiday Tree Lighting and the Washington Square Music Festival as well as support the park's many projects.



Since 1980, Village Preservation has been the community’s leading advocate for preserving the cultural and architectural heritage of Greenwich Village, the East Village, and Noho, working to prevent inappropriate development, expand landmark protection, and create programming for adults and children that promotes these neighborhoods’ unique historic features. Read more history pieces on their blog Off the Grid